We have moved to Jasmine Shoppes
6158 SW SR 200
Suite 204
Ocala, FL 34476
Our store hours have changed
Open: Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat
Tues & Thu by appointment
Please call (352)219-7024)
for appointments

Specialty Classes
Click on the photos to the right for more information.
Call The Bead Strand at (352)620-2323 to schedule

Wednesday, June 19 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM $25 + Materials Make a beautiful, beaded bracelet using basic looming techniques.

Saturday, June 29th 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM $35 + Materials Learn traditional wire wrapping skills to turn a cab or focal bead into a beautiful pendant. Please call for details.

Wednesday, June 19 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM $25 + Materials Make a beautiful, beaded bracelet using basic looming techniques.
Summer Beginner/Advanced Beginner
Classes Available by Appointment
Please contact the store # below to schedule your class.
Phone: (352)620-2323
Email: thebeadstrand@gmail.com
Classes are $25 per student (instructor fee) plus the cost of materials. After requesting a class, we will have the instructor contact you for class length and times available. Minimum class length is 2 hours. Instructor fees must be paid at time of class reservation directly to the instructor. Materials must be bought from The Bead Strand and may be paid by credit card. Please do not bring outside materials other than tools, basic supplies and stringing materials. Your instructor will be glad to give you approximate cost of materials needed for your class.
Click the buttons below to navigate to different beading categories

Even Count Peyote Example
Simplicity Peyote
Even Count Peyote Example

Beginner Kumihimo

Beginner Stringing Necklace
Beginner Stringing Bracelet

* Simplicity Necklace
Queen of Diamonds Bracelet
Bugle Spiral Bracelet
Montee Cross Bracelet
Hugs & Kisses Bracelet
* Shelly Stackers
Fancy Bicone Set
Fiesta Earrings
Cascade Earrings
Wire Wrapping